#riz icons
queernarchy · 3 months
also congratulations to riz for being The dragon killer of all time. kalvaxus and oisin's grandmother took that picture together thinking they were hot shit and little did they know centuries later they'd both get absolutely rocked by the same 4'4 goblin teenager with a briefcase and glasses. get fucked losers
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vendingmachineheart · 2 months
Few DnD scenes will ever be funnier for me to imagine than Riz Gukgak fully fucking submerging himself in lava and Kipperlilly revealing herself just out of pure and utter shock
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savagegood · 1 year
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"I'm not a girl. I'm a shark.": nimona 🤝 blahaj, trans shark icons
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kittyoverlord · 3 months
Gorgug finally getting comfortable with his rage and using it when the situation demands, our little orc is all grown up.
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ramonapest · 7 months
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Pressure is, it's kind of my thing
@d20exchange gift for @doodlididi!
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bacchuschucklefuck · 11 days
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this has been a roller coaster of a design journey but finally I can present you: class swap artificer!adaine and rogue!fabian
#dimension 20#fantasy high#fhfy#fhsy#fhjy#fabian seacaster#adaine abernant#goodbye... goodbye hoodie kid adaine..... we have mecha pilot/power armor adaine instead#I couldnt really land how she'd get a hoodie reliably in freshman year given the abernants pattern of confiscating shit from her#so I kinda switched gear and dug a bit into a like sukeban aesthetics instead. and since shes with the AV club I like the idea of#like a radio coord thing for her. hence the suspenders#I fully admit the sukeban thing is influenced by the hacker woman in ghostwire tokyo who I have a small crush on#she's SO cool. too bad about a number of things with that game#the jacket of useful things is a racer jacket this time bc Im predictable like that#her ensemble in junior year is her tank top + overall it might not be clear enough in the pic...#just had the thought ''man I should do turnarounds for all of them'' and immediately had to slap myself out of it#anyways uh! fabian I have inflicted with my favourite thing to do to characters who like to stealth or fly under the radar#which is Bright Extremely Noticeable Jacket That Hides Your Hands#fabian's ghost motif has led me to the famous horror movie trope of silhouette with iconic jacket from afar#(see Sinister and Alice Sweet Alice)#and I love to imagine him hanging the coat up somewhere and opponents aiming there instead of at him#but also the raincoat is specifically modeled after the yellow fisherman's raincoat#and. that led to. me thinking abt fabian pulling riz up at that cliff with a net instead of the battle sheet lmao#so his junior year design is fully Fishing. which is so fucking funny it has obliterated all other possibilities from my brain#ranger flavour: captain ahab#I still debate making him carry around an actual fishing rod tbh. right now Im giving him a rifle grappling hook thing#gods. I just think High School Classmate Suddenly Gets Way Too Into Fishing is the funniest fucking thing that can happen#thank you fabian. thank you for giving me this. love you buddy#still blanking on kristen but! throughout this whole storm here I've realised I just need to fuck around#it'll either be awesome or it'll be very funny to me specifically. and what more can we ask for in life
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puddle-wants-to-live · 7 months
Riz and romantic mirrors are just somthing he can't avoid
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angelwiththeblue-box · 2 months
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rip to my roommate who was napping while i was watching fhjy i was going insane actually
prev episode doodles | next episode doodles
taglist: @leelovessharks @dapper-nahrwhale @genuine-possum @disdoorted-crows @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @blueskiesandstarrynights @joshkiszkashusband @starchaserbaby (leemme know if u wanna be added or removed)
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kamalakhansblog · 1 year
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• Nimona 🎥
• Some Ballister and Ambrosius content for you all :3
• Matching icons, header and wallpapers!
• Please, like or reblog if you save 🥺
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ganonfan1995 · 9 months
Like say what you want, but botw Zelda is like a religiously traumatized girl who was parentified and neglected and grew up with the most mommy issues ever, and also she's my angel and I'm the only person alive who understands her.
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infernal-house-demon · 3 months
Riz has always been one of my favourite characters of all time. I love an investigator character who stays up into the night making mystery boards with red string and tries to put all the clues together. Then combine that with like being nerdy and kind of an outcast and finding a group of friends he loves but also sometimes feeling out of place with them too (the stuff about everyone else getting into romance in sophomore year and then making sure he’s not being taken advantage of in junior year). Absolutely perfect. But this season especially makes me want to just crawl into his brain. Every time he’s in a scene I am hanging on every word. The way Murph portrays the stress of being a teen trying to keep up with all the demands of school on top of everything else happening outside of it? Phenomenal. All his gadgets? His owlbears arc? The one scene where he literally doesn’t even know what month it is and Sklonda pulls over just so he can take a nap? I am desperate for him to get more time with Jawbone and see their dynamic and dig into his character more. Also he’s got a gun. He has tattoos. He ate the guy who killed his dad. He has a fun nickname. His best friend’s grandfather (Telemaine) seems to have unexplained beef with him. There’s another dimension in his briefcase where the fake roëmænce partnær he made up lives. He’s smol but absolutely lethal. Kipperlily sees him as an arch nemesis and he didn’t even know she existed. He loves his friends so much that he takes on their stress to help them succeed.
Character of all time.
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watching Riz and Fig finding out there’s extra-planar material in the soil at Ragh’s old house and Ally says “so this has been going on” and it made me think: what was the spring break project for the Rat Grinders?
because they were fine and happy and the High-Five Heroes and then suddenly at the end of the school year (after spring break) Lucy wants to change her god and now Lucy is dead and all this stuff is happening and Kipperlilly is mad about the rules “favoring some students over others.”
What was your project Kipperlilly? What did the school ask you to do? And is this quest of rage in service to it or in spite of it?
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greatvaluegirlfriend · 5 months
murph pc apologist. they may have done wrong but they’ve done no wrong you feel me
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radioactivecatboy · 2 years
i am. rotating riz gukgak in mine brain. he is….small. he is….pointy. he is….fully and 100% willing to eat his enemies. he is….my good boy 💞
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Listen I love president Kristen I find them fucking up (in world) Kipperlilly and (irl) Brennans whole rogue on rogue violence plan hilarious I understand why Riz being able to blend into the shadows and stay out of the spotlight is important and being president wouldn’t let him do that but also I really wanna see President Riz
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jade-jupiter · 2 months
before the penultimate episode where it may be the last time we ever see the bad kids, i do wanna thank this cast specifically for making me realize i am an demi-homoromantic asexual aka an ace lesbian
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